How to perfect your password

Learn how to create a safe and secure password to protect yourself.
The great thing about online banking and the ability to use Access Credit Union online banking is the convenience it provides to you, our members. If you don’t have time to cash a cheque in the branch or you just want to check your balance from the comfort of your home, our online banking and mobile app are convenient and provide a secure way for you to manage your accounts anytime, anywhere.
As a financial institution, protecting your money in an online world is our number one priority. You can help us by creating a safe and secure password. Follow these tips, and you’ll be perfecting your password in no time.
- For goodness sake, don’t make your password 1234
It’s simple, the longer and more complicated a password, the better protected your finances will be. We recommend using a combination of upper and lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers.
- Change doesn’t just apply to your wardrobe
Whether you’re trying out a new hobby or updating your online banking password, change is a good thing. It doesn’t take long either; all you have to do is log in to online banking, navigate to settings – security settings – password, and then change your existing password. Try doing this every few months to ensure maximum security.
- Be unique
If you use the same password for every app, website or financial institution, you may be asking for trouble. Simply put, if you’re using the same password in multiple places, the best-protected sites only become as secure as the weakest site for which you have the same password.
- Leave paper in the past
Keeping a written list of every password you’ve ever created is, for obvious reasons, probably not a great idea. If you lose your list, it could get in the wrong hands and trouble could ensue. If you have a bad memory, there are plenty of secure online resources for locking and saving passwords, where only you can access them.
Learn more about digital banking options at Access
We put the best available digital banking technology in your hands to be where you need us to be.