Seven DIY tips for fall financial planning

Now is a great time to review your finances and make a few moves to enter 2025 stronger than ever. To help you do it, we've assembled a list of suggestions:
1. Review your monthly budget
Summer presents unique opportunities that might push us outside our regular budgets. Time to make a detailed list of your expenses and review your allocations to each one.
2. Check your credit report
If this isn’t something you regularly do, it’s time for a quick check. Sometimes scammers are able to get ahold of our personal information while travelling or visiting busy places.
3. Plan charitable giving
After looking at your budget, if you’re interested, you might consider giving some money to a group that needs it. With a proper tax receipt, it can also help you in the spring!
4. Plan investments
If you’re interested in investing, this could be a great time to start a plan for 2025. Figure out your risk appetite and invest in things you believe in.
5. Review estate planning
If you’ve had any recent major changes in your life, it’s imperative you update your estate plan.
6. Get ahead of tax season
Gather as much documentation as possible so you’ll be ready to roll in the spring. Even if you don’t have access to all of it now, you’ll be that much further ahead when things are busy.
7. Figure out your holiday spending
With the holidays fast approaching, don’t let gift shopping take your budget by surprise. Determine how much you are comfortable spending, then start a plan to save that money.